10 Reasons Why Someone Might Be Suicidal


Suicide is the act of deliberately taking one’s own life. Suicide is not just an individual thing; it affects everyone around the suicidal person.

If you feel like ending your life, the reasons behind it might vary from person to person. Sometimes it is because of some personal issues and sometimes it is because of some external reasons.

1. Depression

Depression is a serious illness which often affects the mind and makes a person feel low. The symptoms of depression include feeling sad, anxious, hopeless, irritable, lonely, and having no pleasure or interest in usual activities.

2. Drugs and Alcohol Addiction

Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a major reason for suicide. People who use drugs and alcohol have higher chances of committing suicide.

3. Physical Illness

Physical illness is another reason for people to end their lives. A person who is suffering from a physical illness like cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy etc. has higher chances of committing suicide.

4. Family Problems

Family problems like domestic violence, drug abuse, mental illness, and death of parents etc. also play a role in suicide.

5. Loneliness

Loneliness is the cause of a lot of suicides. Many people commit suicide due to loneliness, says Dr. Sanjeet Diwan, a psychiatrist from Bhopal.

6. Bullying

Bullying is a common cause of suicide. Bullies harass their victims and then the victims end up committing suicide.

7. Financial Problems

Financial problems like debts, credit card, and loss of job etc. are the reasons why people end their lives.

8. Abuse

Abuse by parents, spouse, and friends etc. can lead to suicide.

9. Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is a major reason for suicide. A person who has been sexually abused may try to commit suicide.

10. Severe Injury

Severe injury is one of the major reasons for people to end their lives.


I hope you enjoyed reading this article about “10 Reasons Why Someone Might Be Suicidal”. If you want to know the other important reasons behind suicide then you can read this article.


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